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Serve with Food

Serve with food

Serve with Your Hands

Serve with your hands

Food Pantry
Supported and funded by the congregation, the St. Luke Food Pantry was started to help families in our own area with the physical support of groceries. Recipients—families in need due to illness, job loss, divorce, or other situations—can be short or long term and are kept strictly confidential. Non-perishable items are collected in baskets in the church narthex and school lobby on the first weekend of each month.
For more information, call the church office 724-352-2777. 


Funeral Dinners
People who serve in the ministry of Funeral Dinners offer comfort and show the love of Jesus to families and friends who are mourning the death of a loved one by preparing and serving a meal following the funeral service.
Contact Darlene Garcia 724-841-7697.


Meals on Wheels
As a Meals on Wheels volunteer, you will deliver a hot meal and brown bag to the elderly and disabled in Saxonburg or Cabot once or twice a month.
Please contact the church office 724-352-2777 or Jan Frohn 724-294-0154 for more information.

Servant Day
Usually taking place in the fall, Servant Day is a day of serving that brings congregation members together for a common purpose – serving others to glorify our Lord. St. Luke Servant Day is a day in which items are made for area missions (tying blankets, preparing dry soup mix, making greeting cards for the military, framing houses, etc…) Servant Day may take you off campus to lend a hand at area missions. It’s one day to put aside your schedule and activities and join us at St. Luke to reach out and serve others.
Contact the church office 724-352-2777 for more information.

Encouragement Baskets

Spread joy to new moms by assembling thoughtful gift baskets for the maternity ward at Butler Hospital. Shop for supplies like diapers, blankets, and care essentials. Personalize each basket by hand-writing notes of encouragement and support for the mother's journey ahead. These heartfelt gifts will be delivered to inspire and uplift women after they give birth, letting them know they are cared for.

Contact Maria Bocia at 724-816-7603 

Random Acts of Kindness - Join a list of people who are willing to set up and meet a need on short notice. They serve by helping people who often need assistance with the basic tasks of caring for a home or are unable to because of sickness, illness, or injury.

Contact Maria Bocian at 724-816-7603.


Unlimited Mercy

Join a group of people who gather every 4th Saturday of the month at 9 am to complete service projects and spend time together studying the Bible.

Contact Yvonne Kaczmarczyk at 724-272-0531. 

Kids Club

Introduce children in Kindergarten through Grade 5 to Jesus and teaches them God’s purpose for their lives. The children have a light dinner and then enjoy group activities such as Bible lessons, skits, crafts, songs, and prayer.

For more information about Kids Club, contact Mary Jean Montag 724-352-9235.

Vacation Bible School

Each summer St. Luke provides a Vacation Bible School for children, ages four through sixth grade. The children learn about Jesus through Bible stories, fun learning activities, music, crafts, games, snacks, and more! Help make this community happen by volunteering your time.

For more information, contact the church office 724-352-2777.


Trunk or Treat at Father Marinaro Park

Each year around Halloween, a group from St. Luke heads to Father Marinaro Park to put on a family-friendly Trunk or Treat event for local kids. Get in the spirit by dressing up in costumes, decorating your vehicle's trunk, and handing out candy to the children of our community.

Contact Lori Salsgiver for more information at 724-504-1679

Women in Mission

Women in Mission is a Christian organization that provides handmade dresses to girls in third-world countries who are at risk of being kidnapped into human trafficking. The goal is to provide dignity and hope and let girls know that God loves them! Village pastors say that a girl wearing a new dress presents an appearance that she is well cared for and may discourage would-be predators. In our own country, Dress a Girl gives clothing to abuse and homeless shelters. Clothing also is delivered to Appalachian areas and to Lakota children in South Dakota. Since the start of Dress a Girl in 2009, 300,000 dresses have been distributed in 81 countries! With the help of the students in St. Luke School who have assembled dress kits on their annual Servant Day, dedicated women of St. Luke in the past year have sewn 210 dresses!

Please contact the office 724-352-2777 to be involved.

Serve the Kids of the Community

Serve the kids of the community

International Service

Serve around the world

Serve Our Community

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