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Join us this weekend!

Welcome to St. Luke Church - a Lutheran Church Missouri Synod congregation. We invite you to join us as we gather as a community of God's people, grow with His love and grace, and share the Gospel with the world.


Traditional Service Sat at 6 pm / Sun at 8:00 am + 10:30 am  
Contemporary Service Sun at 10:30 am

Bible Study & Sunday School at 9:15 am

 330 Hannahstown Road | Cabot, PA 16023

Ready to find your 
place at St. Luke?

Whether you are new to the faith, searching for answers, or a lifelong Christian, we have various worship opportunities available.


New to St. Luke

We invite you to discover your place in our vibrant and welcoming community here at St. Luke. We truly believe there's a unique role for everyone in our church family!


Groups & Classes

We're passionate about Jesus' command to reach the lost. We focus on making and maturing disciples for ministry and mission.


Serve One Another

Get Connected

Whether you're a longtime member or new to St. Luke, we're eager to connect with you.

Ready to get started?


Making & Maturing New Members Class

Are you ready to learn more about what Lutheran Christians believe and our vision for ministry at St. Luke?


Ready to take the step of becoming a member of our church?


Join our Making and Maturing class beginning on April 27th to learn about the basics of the Christian faith, be connected to other people at St. Luke, and get to know more about our congregation.


Classes will run for 7 weeks on Sunday mornings from 9:15-10am in the Discipleship Room. Click the link below to let us know you're coming! 

October 9, 2024

Join us on Wednesday evenings for our Lenten Midweek Meals & Worship each week through April 9th.

The meal is at 6:00 PM in the Activity Center, and worship starts at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary.

Wednesday Lenten Worship

October 25, 2024

We’ve been talking for a long while at St. Luke about the giants in the faith who have gone before us that have inspired us and given us a model of mature faith and servant-hood. Folks like Kathryn Montag, Joe Klein, Don Venturini, and so many others. We’ve said that it’s our time and turn to take up that mantle of leadership. 

As Pastor Jared has now departed, more than ever before it’s time for each of us to look within ourselves and ask ‘Am I sitting on the sideline?’ ‘Is it time for me to take a step forward in faith?’

While those may be intimidating questions, that cause you to wonder “Who am I to do that? I’m not like those people!” what we believe at St. Luke is that ALL OF US have been created for ministry. It’s at the core of our mission, which is “Making and Maturing Disciples for Ministry and Mission!” 

To help you learn more about who God has made you to be, we’re challenging every member of our congregation to join our 
Discipleship Discovery classes beginning April 13th at 9:15 in the 
Activities Center. If you have felt stirred to ‘do something’ but you’re not sure where to start, this is it!

Classes will run for 8 weeks with a break on Easter. We believe so strongly in the value of this material for every member of St. Luke that it will be the only class offered (along with Making & Maturing) in the Spring on Sunday mornings. 

Discipleship Discovery Class

October 9, 2024

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